Nutrition and Movement
advice based on your DNA

It's all about the right balance for your body!
Curious about what your body has to tell you? Test it!

Our services
Supporting bio hacks​

Inner care, Frequentie therapie,
Essential oils & CBD, Neuro socks...

Our services
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What do we offer you?

My mission

Due to a growing curiosity about the link between health and science and the ever-increasing questions about the correctness and efficiency of many types of nutrition and movement that have passed in recent years, we searched for a method that works effectively because it can be attuned personally to your body.

Because balanced, healthy nutrition and exercise is different for everyone! Your genes and energy determine the effect of all this on your body!

Our services

DNA Kits

What is written in your unique genetic code? It’s all about the right balance for your body! Test it!

redox forte

Supporting bio hacks

Inner care, Frequentie therapy,
Essential oils & CBD, Neuro socks…


Transform cupping & Bodywork

With transformational cupping we will look for blockages in the body.

Upgrade your

What is Biohacking?

“Biohacking” is a fairly new term.

It literally means; optimizing your body (and mind) by using science and technology.

With the DNA analysis of our scientists and the implementation of these insights in your daily life, we strive, among other things, to optimize the nutrition and exercise patterns for your body.

Now that you have ordered your Premium Health Kit, you have taken the first step in ‘BIOHACKING your body’!

But Biohacking is so much more …